Day 31 – 320 Pounds

Cardio – 60 Minutes
Swim – 35 Lenghts
Cardio – 60 Minutes

It’s remarkable, down another pound this morning!

Sunday morning and I am making my way to the gym to jump on the scale. It is displaying 320 pounds and I just don’t understand how its possible after the past couple days of less than clean eating.

Breakfast is in order and as usual I grab a bowl of oatmeal and berries along with a plate of sliced fruit.

Great morning so far, pre exercise vitals are 72 BPM and blood pressure reading 118/78. Cardio commences as usual with the ARC trainer, 60 minutes of interval training. Working on five-minute bursts with two-minute rests and loving it. I am moving the resistance up and feeling the burn, the best part is working towards the end of the set knowing that the rest period is coming up.

Taking myself outside, feeling great and ready for some laps in the pool. I picked up a nose clip, trying to keep the water out of my nose and the clip keeps sliding down. Perhaps I have it on the wrong way, no directions in the box. Swimming is so relaxing, just you and the water, each stroke a duplicate of the prior one. My stroke seems so easy and I feel as though I am gliding through the water.

Lunch time, its 12:30 PM and I am charged and ready. Feeling like a salad with grilled chicken breast, they are hesitant to bring it to me today, not sure why but after some grumbling it was on the way. After all it turned about to be a great lunch, will be ordering that again for sure.

Cardio is planned for after lunch with another episode of Spartacus. The season is almost over and I am wondering what I will replace it. I want something that is just as fast paced, not sure what it will be but the hunt is on for finding something just as good.

This afternoon is very relaxed, the pool is busy once again being Sunday and the regular hotel guests are occupying all of the chairs. With nowhere to set up I turn to heading over to Sports Authority in search of some more active wear. The drive over takes me past the big three fast food restaurants and for the first time I don’t even consider stopping and feel proud of myself.

Shopping again for more clothes, not much at this location, just a few Nike shirts and some swimming goggles. Headed back with a detour to Dolphin Mall, just thinking that perhaps something new has come in. I make it to the parking lot and I can’t find a parking stall. Cars are parked on the boulevards, traffic is slow and without question the mall is packed. I take the first exit and make my way back to prepare for dinner.

I have noticed this feeling today that my body is shrinking, it feels like the fat is melting away and my movements are different. It is a strange feeling, not sure if it is just in my head or if it is real. I don’t notice any change in the mirror but my shorts are gigantic on me.

Dinner is quiet, Sunday night. Sandy has left with his family for a few days to Miami Beach to spend the holidays. It is defiantly very different without him here and I am certainly missing him tonight. He will be back in a few days and I look forward to having him back and at the same time I am thinking about when he leaves to go back home, that is going to be difficult.

Back in the villa for the night, my family is on the beach in Hawaii and enjoying the afternoon sun. I am lonely again, missing my family so much and the thoughts of flying over to Hawaii for a couple of days are once again on the top of my mind.

Proud of my success to date, tomorrow will be another healthy day!